The meaty saga of Burger Baron, a rogue fast-food chain with mysterious origins and a cult following, run by a loose network of fiercely independent...
The Last Baron
Offers an intimate look into the life of controversial third generation pro-wrestler Teddy Hart as his layers are peeled back to expose his unique...
Dangerous Breed: Crime. Cons. Cats.
The heir to a Burger Baron franchise, the filmmaker chases clues through rural Alberta, capturing the trials and tribulations of Arab immigrants...
The Lebanese Burger Mafia
Facing a mid-life crisis, a journalist discovers the regular folk moonlighting as indie wrestlers, who help him transform his childhood dream into...
Making Kayfabe
Eddy Haymour is a barber, an eccentric entrepreneur, a psychiatric patient, a kidnapper, and a hostage taker. A controversial character, he has been...
Eddy's Kingdom