Imbisibol essays the lives of four Filipino migrants in Japan – Linda, Benjie, Manuel and Rodel – who are toiling in a foreign land to...
Philip and Bastian are lovers. Philip has taken the responsibility to help his older brother’s family in the slums. However, when Bastian...
Philippino Story
Laura accepts the role in this play to rebel against her mother. The director pushes her to bring out her vulnerability and anger, hoping they will...
A year after college, seven friends Diane Villaruel, Ricky Salveron, Ese Aragon, Joey Fajardo, Gina de Leon, Garry Ballesteros, Melani Suntay, and...
Gimik: The Reunion
Amid drought and famine in Cupang, a young woman named Elsa claims to have seen the Virgin Mary and been blessed with the ability to heal the sick....
Isang Himala