Tragedy struck when Father Abraham was ready to save the world from an evil menace using exorcism. Years later, he lives on a remote farm with his...
A prototype therapy AI robot cracks under the pressure of meeting her inventor's expectations and needs to decide to either help millions, or herself.
Four foreign exchange students from Italy, stranded in an abandoned house spiral as their worst fears are realized; They are being haunted by a...
Baby Doll
Indulging in frivolous passions and contemplating the essence of being, a young woman reflects her feelings that seem to be doomed and rejuvenating...
Being Within
In 2023 unidentifiable radiation left 99.5% of the world's female population sterile. Man's fate is now divided in to two paths: extinction or the...
Dog - Apocalypse
In the picturesque English market town of Lewes: Josie is a dreamer. Tony is a hapless romantic. Alf finds other people difficult to read. Alison is...
Incidental Characters
The journey of a corageous young man who suddenly finds out he has Leukemia and decides to do something positive about it, to help others.
Le cose che amiamo di Ale
RIC's and FLEUR's fates intertwine in Ric's loft where Fleur installs Plato, the AI model she has created. Romance ensues but when Fleur learns of...
Double Edge