At the beginning of the eighties, Sirio, a young worker of the Terni steelworks with a past in student protesting, decides to abandon his job to join...
The Invisible Ones
A young professor travels to Budapest to locate a lost colleague. Once there, he gets tangled up in a supernatural mystery.
The Spider Labyrinth
A pair of twins, Anna and Tony, leave their country to go to Rome to make their fortune. Anna knows how to sing and Tony knows how to dance. They...
Male, Female, Flower, Fruit
An overweight high school student is relentlessly bullied due to weight. Out of the blue, she wins a trip to New York, where she sheds 80+ pounds and...
Fatty Girl Goes to New York
Andrea is a shocked boxer who arrives late for a worthless fight, but he's finally determined to change everything.
When their mother dies, Fabrizio and Guglielmo decide to take her on one last trip.
Il nostro ultimo
Armando is the daddy, Cristiano is the adult son. Each of them lives his life in a different way respect the other: Armando is an old play-boy and...
Journey with Papa