School headmaster Brian Stimpson is obsessed with timeliness, order, and discipline. Brian misses his train after meticulously preparing a speech for...
When a barmaid and part-time model becomes a murderer's third victim in Chelsea, the only apparent links are to a local reporter, Mary, and three art...
The Chelsea Murders
A suspect is brought to a London police station charged with gross indecency. Police at the station believe he is connected with a murder in the area...
The Interrogation of John
A strange religious cult has an effect on a young girl.
Children of the Gods
It's New Year's Eve in Thatcher's de-industrialising Britain. The scene is set at a seedy bar in Liverpool where a group of Irish Protestant and...
No Surrender
Kate lives fiercely alone, cut off the from present and haunted by the memories of grief from her past.
Kate: The Good Neighbour