While shopping at a hip boutique with a friend, an unassuming Black woman is forced to reckon with judgement when all-too-familiar oppressive systems...
Rosy is a 25-year-old bank teller who ‘aged out’ of the foster care system at 18 and has since managed to build a solid yet unspectacular...
Adult Adoption
Z (a trans masculine singer) bombs a pivotal musical theatre audition, unable to control his voice after starting testosterone 12 months earlier. To...
Really Happy Someday
After a near-death experience lights a flame within both Grandma and Grandpa, they decide to grab life by the boas and tell the world their deepest...
Stories from my Gay Grandparents
Three degenerates navigate the descending hierarchy of post-consumerist enlightenment.
Ape Sodom
After returning to her hometown of Ornaments as a big city news reporter, she faces the demon of her past following a simple typo in her letter to...
Letters to Satan Claus