Follows the story of New York lawyer Hugo who heads to Milwaukee with his best friend Madelyn to spend the holidays with his brother Aiden and his...
The Christmas Setup
A weekend camping trip turns into a frantic fight against the supernatural when an ancient demon and a fearsome female warrior bring their eternal...
Dark Rising
In the sequel, roles reverse as Nicole's boss plans newly engaged Nicole and Michael's wedding in two weeks at Christmas.
Our Christmas Wedding
A successful woman in New York City finds her life upended when she is forced to confront a dark truth that threatens to unravel her meticulously...
Luckiest Girl Alive
Vietnam, 1968. Army Headquarters has written off Captain Fahey's men as Missing In Action after they were fighting deep over enemy lines. Cut off...
Last Stand at Lang Mei
When Michelle Clark hires young Melissa Juneau as her new live-in nanny, she has no idea the grave danger that she has put her family in; not only...
My Husband's Killer Affair