Anita is the story of a young woman with Down syndrome who lives a happy, routine life in Buenos Aires, being meticulously cared for by her mother...
"It's an everyday universe that exists 7 feet over our heads. They are city birds that you can find in every tree or every corner." Juan: a sparrow...
Birds of Paradise
Screenwriter Javier Gross denies his past by making up fictional stories. Lucia, his wife, tired of his fiction, starts an affair. But not even the...
Together Forever
Corazón delator
Alejandro is on his patio and a woman's body falls down next to him. It's Julia and she is alive. Julia lives in the apartment just above...
Caída del cielo
A sports fan loses everything for being addicted to his team and soccer. He then starts a quest to find a cure and recover his wife's love.
Football or Me
Inside a typical town, kids are menaced by the legend of the fearsome Patalarga. For their parents though, Patalarga is nothing more than a clever...
The Longleg
Leo and Ana were a very happy couple until she decides to travel to Spain to try her luck as a chef and Leo prefers to stay in Buenos Aires. They...
"Hello Julián. Look, a week ago you told me we had to talk and you never answered a call again. I don't know, I need you to explain something...
La cita
Dispuesto a todo
A famous TV weatherman, Miguel Flores, becomes public enemy number one when he fails to predict a terrible hailstorm. He is forced out of the big...
All Hail