Anahita, traumatised by the brutal disappearance of her mother, finds comfort in Shalini, her history teacher. On an unconventional school excursion...
An orphan genius, Niyati, gets a scholarship to attend an elite school. But she soon gets entangled in a cheating racket after she helps a rich but...
A brass band member's hate comment in a public toilet triggers a chain reaction of diverse social expressions.
Bhed Bakri Bhoot
Bajrang, a taxi driver explores the human psyche during an undesired night shift on the dark, shady and deceitful streets of Delhi-NCR.
Paarth Saarathi
Anil, a 28-year-old wheat seller, lives with his wife, mother, and sister. Excited for his sister Neha's marriage to Ajay, a soon-to-be civil...
Dedh Bigha Zameen