The movie Dear Dia is a Hindi remake of the super-hit Kannada film "Dia". The movie revolves around a love story between Mihika Kushwaha, Pruthvi...
Dear Dia
A secret agent, forced to live anonymously, encounters a woman in debt. Against his detached lifestyle, he befriends her while rescuing a pup,...
Mazhai Pidikatha Manithan
Huli Shiva, a hulivesha artiste, works in a police station, doing odd jobs. When he moves along with his inspector friend to a new city, he meets...
Based on a real story, Partha, an easy-going cafe owner, falls in love with an artist named Juni, only to discover that she has a multiple...
A portrayal of fishermen in Uttara Kannada, their language, lives and self-esteem. It examines the eroding relationship between police and the...
The protagonists play dual roles to escape a self-created chakravyuha. Will they get out of the mess or get dragged further into it?
For Regn
The story revolves around 2 Orphan friends surviving doing fraudulent and mischievous activities. When a big opportunity arises in the form of a...
DK Bose
Dia tells the story of a young, introvert girl whose routine life brightens up when she falls for Rohith, one of her fellow college mates. Being an...
Life is Beautiful is an upcoming Kannada movie starring Pruthvi Ambaar in the lead role
Life is Beautiful
Upcoming Kannada Film starring Pruthvi Ambaar
The film is, ironically, about the breakdown of a marriage that began with love. Although the skillful blending of the mystery and relationship drama...
Happily Married