In the Texan “Hands on a Hardbody” competition, contestants stand around a new pickup truck for days, touching it with one hand. Whoever...
One of These Days
Chronicles the powerful friendship between two young Black teenagers navigating the harrowing trials of reform school together in Florida.
Nickel Boys
A biker steals a painting from a dangerous group of art thieves, who then try to get it back. Violently.
The Biker Thief
A Sort of Homecoming tells the story of Amy, a New York news producer who thought she left her high school experiences long in the past. She...
A Sort of Homecoming
There's a deadly zombie epidemic threatening humanity, but Wade, a small-town farmer and family man, refuses to accept defeat even when his daughter...
June is different from all other nine-year old girls. She is an orphan hiding a secret. Bad things happen when she gets upset, supernatural things....
After an anonymous hacker begins leaking the private data of thousands living in a small American town, the townspeople spiral into madness, with...
Assassination Nation