The story of a retired music professor, Misha Brankov, who under unusual circumstances discovers his true origins. At the place where once stood a...
When Day Breaks
A story of a Jewish-Hungarian-Serbian family. The plot is centered about trying of an adult son to reconstruct his childhood dream of and memories....
In 1947, among the ruins of war and in anticipation of a catastrophic flood, the locals of a Vojvodina village find themselves caught between the...
Breakfast with the Devil
Johan, a former Volksdeutscher, after thirty years after the end of the Second World War, comes back to the place where he was born and grew up,...
The Mulberry Tree
Life in a small town, sunk in boredom and lack of excitement where dogcatcher is very important person.
A Lovely Parade
The story of political prisoners, detained in a jail before the start of the WWII, and their torture and attempts to escape, and join a partisan unit.
Arrive Before Daybreak