The true story of João Guilherme Estrella ("Johnny"), a young middle-class bon vivant who became a big-time cocaine dealer in Rio de Janeiro...
My Name Ain't Johnny
Eu Tenho Uma Voz
In Rio de Janeiro in 1963, the story of several characters is intertwined in the midst of the political scenario of the time. One of them is Troy, a...
Kings & Rats
“Nobody Leaves Alive” by André Ristum is shot in beautiful but also distancing black and white. Looking at the Venice line-up,...
Nobody Leaves Alive
The meeting between two young guys, Marcelo —in the future, Marcelo D2— and Skunk , who sold t-shirts and cassette tapes in the center of...
Legalize it!
A woman moves back, from São Paulo to her hometown Rio de Janeiro, to support her husband's job. On their new residence, she forms an unlikely...
Intimate Strangers
In the 90s, Rio de Janeiro was shaken by a wave of kidnappings. Security forces call controversial agents to help save the city from thugs and also...
The Division