Kathir is a young underachiever who frequently vents his frustrations through public outbursts. When Anitha, a North Indian girl whose family has...
7G Rainbow Colony
College students Ravi and Sandhya are love birds. When Sandhya's mother and a village panchayat chief come to know of their affair, she puts spokes...
Venu is a youth struck with an inferiority complex, who loses all his confidence to come up in life. However, he comes across a bunch of people and...
Ponniyin Selvan
Abhi, the son of GK, a multi-millionaire, looks down upon the poor. After he ends up losing his lover Janaki, he sets out on a journey to find her...
Kadhalna Summa Illai
A drama that unfolds between two rival mafia gangs on a single day when a bag of cocaine gets stolen by two innocent people.
Aaranya Kaandam
A happy-go-lucky student at a university gets embroiled in a love triangle with two very different young women.
Selvaraghavan & Ravi Krishna reunite for this sequel that continues Kathir's story post the events of 7G Rainbow Colony (2004).
7G Rainbow Colony 2
Vettri is contemplating suicide when he spots a dead man on the train tracks and finds a mobile phone on the corpse. He receives a call on the phone...
Netru Indru Naalai