A portrait of the internationally acclaimed Spanish film director Isabel Coixet and an analysis of her particular world and her sensibility as a...
Words, Maps, Secrets and Other Things
"Parler de Rose" (Talking about Rose), narrated by Oscar-winning actress Juliette Binoche and directed by Isabel Coixet examines the life and death...
Talking about Rose. Prisoner of Hissène Habré
When victims who have suffered those crimes, turn to justice in order to reconstruct their lives and their dignity, they are invariably confronted...
Bajo el mismo sol
"The Code" describes what has been done in the area of international justice and what can be done. This documentary portrays a proactive proposition...
The Code
Ellesmere Island, northern Canada, 1908. Josephine, a brave but naive woman, embarks on a dangerous journey through inhospitable regions in search of...
Endless Night