Unforgettable melodies, unique timbre and a memorable, soul-stirring voice. A mystery for women and authority for men, his talent was revered by the...
Erik is convinced he has a stone for a heart. That’s why he doesn’t mind that his parents have no time for him, or that he is bullied at...
Erik Stoneheart
In this movie (based on a true story) within a movie, a director tries to film the tale of an old KGB activist living in a parish house. In the...
The Mystery of the Old Parish House
Brainstorm is the best-known Latvian band in Europe. They started out 25 years ago, when most of them were in the same class at school. That was the...
Brainstorm: Between Shores
When a chicken is kidnapped by two thieves, a lively adventure full of humor and with a surprising twist begin.
Singing Hugo And His Incredible Adventures
Congratulations: 50 Years of the Eurovision Song Contest was a television programme organised by the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) to commemorate...
Congratulations: 50 Years of the Eurovision Song Contest
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