Following the immense success of The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Peter Jackson directs King Kong (2005). This documentary follows him, and the immense...
Recreating the Eighth Wonder: The Making of 'King Kong'
From the very beginning of the design process on the film trilogy, right up to the summer months prior to the release of The Lord of the Rings: The...
Film Collectibles: Capturing Movie Memories
Documentary about the making of the 1996 horror-comedy.
The Making of 'The Frighteners'
As armies mass for a final battle that will decide the fate of the world--and powerful, ancient forces of Light and Dark compete to determine the...
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
The Quest Fulfilled: A Director's Vision
A documentary about the influences on Tolkien, covering in brief his childhood and how he detested the onslaught of industry through the idyllic...
Beyond the Movie: The Fellowship of the Ring
A behind-the-scenes documentary on the making of "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring." Created by filmmaker Costa Botes (personally...
The Making of The Fellowship of the Ring
A retrospective of Peter Jackson's "The Frighteners" featuring new interviews with the cast & crew.
No Way to Make a Living: A Look Back at 'The Frighteners'
This documentary looks at how the strings were pulled on Peter Jackson's low-budget puppet movie Meet the Feebles. An old Wellington railway shed...
Sex, Drugs and Soft Toys - The Making of Meet the Feebles
The Frankenstein Complex takes a historical as well as a creative perspective, with a mix of fascinating scenes behind the camera, film clips, and...
Creature Designers: The Frankenstein Complex
A documentary about the making of 'The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King'.
A Filmmaker's Journey: Making 'The Return of the King'
The life story of Colin McKenzie, a forgotten pioneer of international cinema who was born in rural New Zealand in 1888.
Forgotten Silver
Quest for the Ring
The making of Peter Jackson's adaptation of Tolkien's classic work.
A Passage to Middle-Earth: Making of 'Lord of the Rings'