Muthuvel Pandian, a retired, stern yet compassionate jailer lives a peaceful life with his family, but trouble knocks his door when his cop...
A boy, Muthu, by mistake loses a one-gram ring, the only gold their family possesses and goes on a mission along with his sister Pachayammal take the...
A mother fights to protect her son and his oxygen cylinder as they get stuck in a tunnel with other passengers and the oxygen level depleting
Muttiah Muralitharan's inspirational journey shedding light on the challenges and triumphs that defined his illustrious cricket career is brought...
An espionage agent who is branded a traitor returns from exile to take down a dubious water project and safeguard the country.
A cash-strapped bank cashier embarks on a risky investment scheme and soon gets drawn into the murky world of money laundering.
Lucky Baskhar