United by an uncompromising struggle as members of the infamous 1970s far-left terrorist group Prima Linea, fugitive couple Sergio and Susanna have...
The Front Line
A young man challenges the web to offer money for a sex tape of him and his girlfriend to finance his work and finally be able to afford having a...
What’s the Big Deal
Adopted together after a tough childhood in an orphanage, Nica and Rigel realize that unexpected but irresistible feelings pull them together.
The Tearsmith
1944, Vermiglio, a remote mountain village. The arrival of Pietro, a deserter, into the family of the local teacher, and his love for the teacher's...
Giacomo is a 40-year-old man who works for a big company in Milan. To avoid working on weekends, he lies about having a girlfriend whose character he...
One Day More
Rino Gaetano - Ma il cielo è sempre più blu
The feat of marathon runner Dorando Pietri, who participated in the London Olympic Games in 1908.
Il sogno del maratoneta
A young girl faces a traumatic event and grows up to meet someone who's gone through hardship aswell.
A story of music and great friendship set against the backdrop of the legendary 90s. A history of the province, of illusions, of courage. The story...
They've Killed the Spider, Man! | The Legendary Tale of the 883s