The story of Roberto Rossi, victim of mobbing in the workplace. Harassment, frustrations, recurring nightmares and thoughts of a man who lives a...
Oltre lo specchio
A look at life through the lens of sexuality, in a world that has lost its soul and the ability to love. Ten stories of ten protagonists (from 20-45...
Sleeping Around
Arturo Meraviglia is a struggling impresario who has to take care of Gioele and Rebecca, two children "inherited" by an old uncle. When he realizes...
The Most Beautiful Day in the World
Two Filipinos who coincidentally cross paths in the romantic city of Italy.
Imagine You & Me
She's a divorce lawyer, single mother and perpetually at war against men, he is a couple's therapist, single and not looking, they meet and collide...
Opposites Attract
After seven difficult years, Matteo Dell Torre withdraws his campaign from the crisis. But because of the work, he rarely sees with his wife, with...
No way out - A broken love