Fiction and reality blur when Leonor, a retired filmmaker, falls into a coma after a television lands on her head, compelling her to become the...
Leonor Will Never Die
Black is scientifically the absence of color, but not all who see it is color-blind, figuratively. David F. weaves three stories that look into the...
David F.
The third episode of an anthology of three horror stories: a snake creature secretly lurks inside a shopping mall, a family is fed a meal that turns...
Flight 666
An ex-seminarian slash communist runs a hotel in Baguio. He then meets a handsome upcoming lawyer. A once-a-year trip to Baguio by the lawyer and...
The Affair
A group of young models on their way to a photo shoot are inadvertently stranded on a deserted, uncharted island. Though they've landed on a paradise...
James is a gym instructor by day and a student by night, who struggles to keep both ends meet. Standing as the family bread winner, he is determined...
A snake creature secretly lurks inside a shopping mall. A family is fed a meal that turns them into monsters. An airplane hijacking is interrupted by...
Shake, Rattle & Roll XV
In death, the ghost of a dutiful housewife learns to move on and discovers a new life in the afterlife.
Buhay Habangbuhay
An unconventional love story between a man who lost his passion and a weather-beaten homosexual torn between his forbidden love and his devotion to...
Julian is a soldier stationed on a remote island in the Philippines. He has finished his three months of service on the island and is ready to leave,...
A thriller about a never-ending war, a town ravaged by a devastating storm, and the woman caught in between.
As One
Stories abound in Cebu about a woman rumored to be a murderous monster, but behind the myth is a mother seeking justice.
Toto, a teenage orphan, is recruited by a notorious death squad. Irma, the groups leader, soon becomes a maternal figure to the young boy. As the two...
At night, Manila’s red light Burgos district starts shining and its shops get busy welcoming tourists and women from different countries. The...
Those Long Haired Nights
The lone survivor of an ambush is being haunted by the war he survived.