James Bolam portrays serial killer Dr. Harold Shipman in this made-for-TV drama. The film follows the story of Shipman, a general practitioner who...
Harold Shipman: Doctor Death
Linda's out on her hen night, her fiance is out on his stag night. Linda is having major doubts about getting married, when both groups arrive at a...
Dancin' Thru the Dark
Following in his father's footsteps, Albert Pierrepoint becomes one of Britain's most prolific executioners, hiding his identity as a grocery...
Pierrepoint: The Last Hangman
A refugee family are given an allotment plot and are met with suspicion by the people who have worked the gardens for years
Grow Your Own
Tommy is a vacuum cleaner salesman gripped by the fever of closing the deal. He lives on puffa rice stored in his glove compartment, listens to...
Vacuuming Completely Nude in Paradise
When an execution is sanctioned in the UK for the first time in almost 50 years, it soon becomes a media circus. The television rights are sold, and...
The Last British Execution
A white boy lives in a racially divided town. The only thing he cares about is playing his drums. A popular black band from school needs a drummer...
Knights & Emeralds
A 7-year-old boy (Jonathan Mason) struggles to understand why his mother, newly returned from hospital, isn't giving him the attention he craves.