When two poor Greasers, Johnny and Ponyboy, are assaulted by a vicious gang, the Socs, and Johnny kills one of the attackers, tension begins to mount...
The Outsiders
A fascinating chronicle of the birth and rise of the radically different independent studio founded by director Francis Ford Coppola.
A Legacy of Filmmakers: The Early Years of American Zoetrope
The Making of feature for the George Lucas movie 'THX 1138'.
Artifact from the Future: The Making of 'THX 1138'
A 5-part making of documentary from Red Shirt pictures. It starts with a kind of general retrospective and then leads on into more individualized and...
Death, Be Not Proud: The Making of "The Exorcist III"
An Irish immigrant and his daughter arrive in Kentucky with a magical piece of gold that alters the course of several lives, including those of a...
Finian's Rainbow
Fog City Mavericks: The Filmmakers of San Francisco is a compelling exploration of the legendary filmmakers who call the San Francisco Bay Area home...
Fog City Mavericks
Post-teen virgin moves to New York City, falls for a cold-hearted beauty, then finds true love with a loyal lass.
You're a Big Boy Now