The events of the play decided about King Lear, who decided to distribute his possessions to his three daughters, and because his youngest daughter...
King Lear
Death Squad
The movie focuses on the fury state that was among the people in synchronization with the main event in Egypt: The 1919 Egyptian Revolution which...
Kira & El Gen
The intertwining love stories that take place during the travel of a number of passengers on board a tour bus between Cairo and Mansoura.
One of the Days
A married couple heard a strange story during their honeymoon about a night where the moon is absent, the desert is angry, and the people on the...
El Hareth
A biography about Ahmed Fouad Negm, the famous poet of the Egyptian colloquial, depicting the important historical and revolutionary stages, from his...
El Fagommi
History professor Mahmoud worries about the future of the country after he read a book that points to a dark future in which monopolies increase and...
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