In 1244, during a time of religious persecution, Pope Innocent IV and King Louis IX of France sought to eradicate a pacifist Christian group known as...
Magdala Rose
A slightly disturbed young amateur photographer finds that his father has been secretly having an affair with his co-worker. Thus begins a spiral...
The Dark Room
The lure of fame proves irresistible for five promising scientists as they enter into the unforgiving Australian outback to prove the unthinkable....
Ryder Country
Jason Blade is a man who can't bring himself to commit fully to his woman, and who spends all his time with a special crime task force taking on...
Strike of the Panther
When greed threatens the livelihood of an Italian monastery, a monk flees with the formula for their special liquor.
Squeeze a Flower
A US criminal profiler (of sorts) is sent over to Queensland to help catch a serial slayer, who leaves biblical scriptures behind at the scene of his...
Blackwater Trail
The plot centred on American pop singer Kate Lawrence (Branigan) wanting to embark on a career as an actress. The only job she can find is playing...
A family reunion among the squattocracy leads to conflict as various members assert their egos.
The story is told through the eyes of Max, a stand-up comedian and taxi driver, who gets involved in a blackmail case and lands in prison. Max uses...
Frankie McCoy (Ken Shorter) is a born loser from the Sydney suburb of Newtown, and a gambler and a bit of an SP bookie. When he's conscripted into...
You Can't See 'round Corners
Two teenage surf chicks from the southern suburbs of Sydney ingratiate themselves with a new group of boys.
Puberty Blues
Four friends grapple with aging and the march of time in this opera based on Ray Lawler's iconic Australian play. For years, cane cutters Roo and...
Summer of the Seventeenth Doll
Ex-cop Les Kearney is hired to find the kidnapped daughter of a wealthy businessman.
The Finder