JACKPOT THE SET UP - Jackpot is a fast-paced thriller con, with sharp comic one-liners and crazy characters, set entirely in Goa against the...
Nee Jathaga Nenundali is a Telugu romantic musical drama film directed by Jaya Ravindra. It the official remake of the Bollywood blockbuster romantic...
Nee Jathaga Nenundali
The journey of the world's most notorious sandalwood and ivory smuggler, Veerappan who was finally captured on October 18, 2004.
A man is arrested for murdering his wife and sent to a prison in Goa. A cop assigned to the case believes there is more to this than meets the eye....
Yaar Ivan
Being a police officer in this big-bad city called Mumbai can be quite some task. Mumbai, contrary to the other parts of the country, works on its...
Mumbai Mirror
The lives of a couple turn into a nightmare, as dark forces lie in wait beneath the shadows of the haunted bungalow in which they have decided to...