A haunting fairy-tale thriller set between snowy landscapes and a neon city. A KINKY SLICE OF PULP-SATIRE! The film is laced with pitch black humor...
No Right Turn
Wonderland Recoil
Detective Katrine Ries Jensen and legal psychiatrist Thomas Schaeffer form a special unit at the Copenhagen Police investigating serial killings. A...
Those Who Kill - Shadow of the Past
John (played by Erik Clausen) is in prison for petty crime. His son is getting married and he has been granted accompanied leave to attend. The...
Temporary Release
Frank is left with the responsibility for his nephew Bo on an already planned canoe trip. Frank's mate Casper is also coming along. Weighed down a...
Krummerne - Det er svært at være 11 år
James Reese has a good job as an ambassador's aid in France, but his real passion is a side gig—working in a minor role in the CIA. He would...
From Paris with Love
The town of Westbrick is a rough place to live in. It is here that the young rookie cop Matthew lives with his wife. Meanwhile, notorious serial...
Westbrick Murders
In this modern-day western, rumor has it that notorious gangster Frank Lowies hid millions in cash before getting tossed in the slammer. Going on...
Martin Vinge, former notorious journalist, now successful headhunter with a complicated personal life, is in all confidentiality contacted by 85...
On Halloween, estranged friends Asger and Esther, must work together to rescue Asgers kidnapped sister Petra, while Petra battles the thieves that...
The Seekers: Thrill Night
A short film that delves into the complexities of sexuality and societal expectations. Eva, a 44-year-old writer in a traditional family, experiences...