Tom, 11 years old, lives in a trailer home on the edge of the woods with Joss, his young mother. The two of them support each other and show...
Little Man Tom
Alex, whose singing career can't manage to succeed, accepts a strange job : to make a pensionner choir sing nursery rhymes. She finds out a bunch of...
Forever Young
Bored with the routine? Depressed by the thought of going to bed alone every night? Juliet is the first super-competent companion robot, and she's...
Anne has been blind since birth, François' been blind from the age of seven. This couple is happy. But their daily routine changes the day...
Les yeux ouverts
Luisa lives with Mathieu, the man she loves, and Arthur, Mathieu's son by his first wife, who died in an accident. But Arthur, whom Luisa has been...
Missing Child