The film revolves around the lives of three young women; Hayat, So'aad, and Samira, who work as flight attendants as they struggle with problems both...
Love Above the Clouds
Maganeen Ala Al-Tareeq
Sayed is a businessman afflicted with schizophrenia. When his nephew Mahrous comes from his hometown to oversee the institution he owns, Sayed's...
The Captain Has Arrived
جواز عرفي
مسرحية سباك الساعة 12
I Guarantee
الرجاء انقاذ عبد المتجلي
مسرحية إيه اللي حصل في شهر العسل
Ghurayb fa almina
كلام الناس
المشاغبات في خطر
Khamis arrives from his hometown to work in Cairo, but his millionaire brother abandons him. Khamis is forced to work as a maid at the house of his...
Khamis invades Cairo
Mahmood al-Jundi looks at Tahir's personality, where he comes with a wealth of money that makes him form anyone who gets close to him until his wife...
عائلة الفك المفترس
انا والعذراء والجدي
The strange young man goes to the fishermen's village in search of his brother's murderer, and discovers that he was killed by the group he was...
غريب فى الميناء
ابتسامة في نهر الدموع
عائلة مشاغبة جدًا
Fattouh works in change currency and heroin . He is surprised that his girlfriend Susu has become addicted. A Zionist drug smuggling organization...
Naiema tries to break away and leave all her troubling circumstances behind, so she takes the train to Alexandria, where she meets a widow with her...
Naeema Fakeha Moharama
Young thief Fattouh meets Master Bayoumi while he's in prison. After he gets out of prison, he returns to fraud, when the police chases him, he hides...
The Qirdati
Dr. Taliba lives a very stable life with his wife, cousin, children and brother Alaa, the university student. He gets to know Nana, the reckless girl...
Ashra Ala Ashra
The story of a play in which I am in 1992 revolves around the author of unsuccessful novels and stories called Saad, and the wife of a controlling...
Which One Am I?
Circle of Death
Mohsen struggles to revive his father's tannery but debt accumulates as Khalil monopolizes the leather trade in the neighborhood.
Walls of Tanneries
Set in old Cairo, Hassouna (Hamdy Gheith) is a mean thug who collects money from people for protection. He prosecutes Ashour El Nagy's (Ezzat El...
The Berry and the Cane
Antiquities dealer Heridi asks his nephew Jaber to deliver a gift not knowing that it contains a rare statue that he plans to sell. Jaber is chased...
A Hero from Upper Egypt
سجن بلا قضبان
Sayed and Farouk work in a warehouse of gas pipes. The dancer, Soraya, plans to kill her lover Aziz, steal his treasury in retaliation for his...
Harat El-Habayeb
Me Among Them
Aziza is robbed of her jewelry. A person claiming to be the jewelry thief calls Aziza and asks her to leave her apartment door open so he can return...
Criminal in spite of himself
In Paris, university student Salwa meets Dr. Sharif, and they fall in love. He tells her the reason for his stay in Paris. He caused the death of a...
Banatna Fel Khareg
The story revolves around the three friends (Abdullah, Sami, Ibrahim), who are recruited into one military unit, and after their term of service...
Almshaghebon Fe Noabae
(Adel) A simple employee who is married to (Azizah) who works as a school, has three children, and is unable to meet his financial obligations...
Alhajar alddayir