Schoolgirls before high school graduation - By law they are of age, but despite their physical maturity, both innocent and experienced young women...
Varsity Playthings
Tis is the 8th part of series. Another story based on what real-life German teenagers schoolgirls of the day were up to...
Naughty Co-Eds
This is the 11th of "Schulmädchen" movies and core issues this time is protection of young people and helping them in dangerous or critical...
Naughty Freshmen
The filmmaker Anton travels to Munich, where he and his friend Fietje want to make a film about the female bosom.
Blutjunge Biester - zu allem bereit!
At the moment, love via newspaper ads or telephone is in full bloom. Thousands of offers of pleasure can be found in the daily newspapers and...
Bei Anruf Liebe
A comedy directed by Nikolai Müllerschön.
Schulmädchen '84
A count is experiencing financial problems. He rents his hunting place to tourists to earn some extra cash. Curiously enough, all guests seem not to...
Waidmannsheil im Spitzenhöschen
The film takes place in Russia in 1775. Catherine the Great is ruler and stands at the height of her power. The ruler, however, is more concerned...
Katharina, the Sado-Queen