Getting selected in final 8 teams of a reality show specially for entrepreneurs, Varun an unaware over thinker , seeks to win the show to prove his...
Bau Na Vichaar
Sharmaji, fondly known as Masterji is a tailor by profession and lives a content life with his daughter Sakshi in their small yet satisfactory world....
The Measure
College buddies play cupid for a couple whose love story is destined to end in tears - yet, when they reunite years later, the college pals find...
In Bombay's seedy-shiny film world, Manto and his stories are widely read and accepted. But as sectarian violence engulfs the nation, Manto makes the...
When the Gujarat is celebrating Navratri, the village of Raniwada dwells in the darkness since ages as celebrating garba is forbidden due to a...