This adventurous feature film is a sequel to Paul Verhoeven's legendary youth series from 1969. In this modern film version - the Middle Ages are...
Julia's hart
Two brothers linger in the little village where they have just buried their mother. In an old trailer, Vincent (20) goes along with his brother...
Jonas, concerned about his father’s mental health, visits his dad and discovers that the older man’s situation is even worse than...
Meral Özturk is driven to despair when the Dutch Tax Authority wrongfully demands a massive repayment of childcare benefits. As her life falls...
The Hunt for Meral Ö.
After a long and torturous psychiatric history, a date is finally set for the much desired humane termination of the life of forty-two-year-old Rick....
White Flash
Sextet is a film about love and relationships in Amsterdam. It features an ingeniously interwoven plot of several stories and characters. Together...
A fictional story within the historical context of the disastrous flood that engulfed the Dutch coastal province of Zeeland in 1953. When their...
The Storm
A young photographer moves back in with his mother and has to adjust to his old hometown. Things get more challenging when she appoints him as her...
Your Mother Should Know
Two young lovers are making a journey through the desert, not specifically going anywhere, in search of freedom.She is very alive and energetic,...
Bosnia, July 1995. Aida is a translator for the UN in the small town of Srebrenica. When the Serbian army takes over the town, her family is among...
Quo Vadis, Aida?
In FEAST, perpetrators, victims and their spectators become involved in a dramatic reconstruction of the Groningen HIV case. The film tells a story...
Michael Bellicher wakes up one morning to find out that his identity has been stolen. Soon he learns that the perpetrator is using his stolen ID for...
Bellicher: Cel
Ein Sommer an der Algarve