A world premiere play bringing the megahit television series to life for our current age. Teeming with raucous hilarity and channeling the...
Designing Women
Ogden Confer is a community college student living with his parents and dealing with the recent loss of his best pal, Rose, when he foils the suicide...
Sometimes in order to move forward, you have to go back. And in this raunchy comedy, Jim Owens does just that when he heads home for his high school...
Back in the Day
New York Times Best Seller and "Chelsea Lately" regular, Sarah Colonna, has some stories to tell and she doesn't care what you think. From how to get...
Sarah Colonna: I Can't Feel My Legs
A man in a high stakes celebrity death pool quickly loses everything - his business, his bank account, his home, his fiancé. He snaps, then...
Killing Hasselhoff
Krystal Parker's life fell apart when she discovered she couldn't have children. Everything she knew was gone, - but Letting Go Is Just The Beginning.
Parker's Anchor
After surviving a plane crash a young conservative woman suffers a crisis of faith.
A clothing designer tries to save her struggling boutique store by having a tumultuous weekend sale of her shop's inventory by playing on the...
Going Shopping