Curiously named teen Moondance Alexander lives with her eccentric mother, and is faced with another uneventful summer until she discovers a lost...
Moondance Alexander
When a much-publicized ice-skating scandal strips them of their gold medals, two world-class athletes skirt their way back onto the ice via a...
Blades of Glory
The popular Bratz dolls come to life in their first live-action feature film. Finding themselves being pulled further and further apart, the...
Fin and his wife April travel around the world to save their young son who's trapped inside a sharknado.
Sharknado 5: Global Swarming
With the help of her coach, her mom, and the boy who drives the Zamboni, nothing can stop Casey Carlyle from realizing her dream to be a champion...
Ice Princess
Just like one in five Americans, many Olympic athletes similarly face serious mental health challenges and struggle to find the necessary support and...
The Weight of Gold