Pete, a young orphan, runs away to a Maine fishing town with his best friend a lovable, sometimes invisible dragon named Elliott! When they are taken...
Pete's Dragon
Ordered by his father to sell his old, small donkey, Small One, a Hebrew boy in ancient Israel takes the donkey to the Jerusalem market. Finding no...
The Small One
Sheriff Sean Kilpatrick is a pacifist. Frank Brand is the leader of a band of killers. When their paths cross Kilpatrick is compelled to go against...
The Deadly Trackers
A lighthearted dramatization of the autobiography of Harold Krents, a blind Harvard Law School student trying to make his way in a sighted world.
To Race the Wind
The long-familiar Heidi tale is given a contemporary (and musical) setting as the young heroine leaves her familiar Swiss mountain for the bright...
The New Adventures of Heidi
A Hawaiian beach bum finds himself surrogate uncle to five orphaned children, helping them stay together, in this pilot movie for a TV series which...
Stickin' Together