In the present day, the world is in turmoil due to an "unprecedented disaster." A young man living in Tokyo, Suzushirō, has a secret he cannot...
Eternal 831
In the story, the seasons have changed and it will soon be the second spring. Tatsuya and Miyuki have finished their first year at First Magic High...
The Irregular at Magic High School: The Girl Who Summons the Stars
The Eminence in Shadow: Lost Echoes
Twenty-six-year-old Hiroto Suwa; his wife, Naho; and their old high school classmates—Takako Chino, Azusa Murasaka, and Saku Hagita—visit...
Orange: Future
Love is love. Someday, the pain of being in love will be an endearing memory. No matter who the feelings are towards, no matter what form it takes,...
Happy-Go-Lucky Days
The battle is over, and they can go about their normal lives now... or so they thought. With no time to rejoice after miraculously saving Mirai from...
Beyond the Boundary: I'll Be Here – Future
Future Imaginations is a special animated PV released to celebrate the launch of the "Reiwa Novel Award" held by LINE Novel in collaboration with...
Future Imaginations