Set in 1995, Mark, a skilled mechanic and the son of a former gangster, stumbles upon a phone that has the ability to connect with the past, tries to...
Mark Antony
A street performer is on a killing spree and a retired army man turned YouTuber tracks an online sex racket parallely. How do their lives connect and...
Farhana, a devout Muslim woman and mother in a middle class family, with her family's consent, takes a call center job . Although the job gives...
A father finds out that his teenager daughter is possessed, and the only way he can save her is by doing the ghost's bidding, which will mean an...
Naane Varuvean
Raayan, a simpleton patriarch has to protect his family when they inadvertently get muddled in a violent world with whirlpool of murder, debauchery,...
A police constable from an oppressed caste and her half-brother go after the dominant caste men who raped her and burned her husband and kid alive.
Saani Kaayidham
A former RAW officer, who is among the hostages in a mall taken over by terrorists, has to foil their plans and prevent the government from releasing...
A common man imprisoned in a corrupt system questions whether jails truly rehabilitate or push individuals deeper into crime's abyss.