The film follows a person who is accused of failure by everyone he knows, whether from his family members or those close to him until he decides to...
King of the Ring
The Arab Spring in Egypt: From a dictator to free elections, back to a dictatorship. One comedy show united the country and tested the limits of free...
Tickling Giants
Three estranged childhood friends (Omar, Ramy, Jay), travel on a road trip from Abu Dhabi to Beirut in memory of their lost friend. If what happens...
From A to B
A few days before she travels to Mecca to perform Hajj, Ghada faces an emergency which forces her to reach out to people from her tainted past with...
Flight 404
A group of prisoners breaks out of prison using an underground tunnel that leads them into a school. When they discover where they are, they decide...
Mrs. Tamtam
A Saudi-Emirati family plans an Eid getaway to Abu Dhabi but faces an unforeseen situation on their travel day. Despite the challenge, the parents...
Al Eid Eiden
Brothers Ramses and Ahmos, cursed since the days of the Pharaohs, are the last two vampires in Egypt. After stumbling upon an ancient secret, they...
Dracu Ra
An Emarati executive, and a food delivery man get caught in a bizarre incident that results in them switching bodies together. Since they...
Rashid And Rajab
Three retired actors abruptly decide that they want to go back to acting and work together to make a movie about aliens. Will it earn them any...
The Good, The Bad, and The Playful