Comprised of 4 episodes from the unsold TV series The Veil (1958) - "Whatever Happened to Peggy," "Destination Nightmare," "The Return of Madame...
Destination Nightmare
A computer expert tries to prove his electronic brain can replace a television network's research staff.
Desk Set
Wealthy, reckless Californian Julie Merriday, accompanied by her boyfriend Harry Lindsay, an attorney, narrowly avoids crashing into a motorcycle...
My Blood Runs Cold
Mike and Terry DeBray are a happily married couple whose lives change when the young daughter that Tony fathered out of wedlock suddenly appears and...
Another Woman's Child
A trio of competing bands vie for a spot on a rural radio program.
An animated special based on the comic strip Cathy by Cathy Guisewite.
When the Government decide to build a Festival of Britain exhibition site, everything goes to plan, all except the fact that the main road and the...
The Happy Family
A group of campers revolt against their strict camp director and take over the camp for themselves.
Summer Camp Nightmare
The Roses, Barbara and Oliver, live happily as a married couple. Then she starts to wonder what life would be like without Oliver, and likes what she...
The War of the Roses
Cathy's preparations for an idyllic, romantic vacation with her boyfriend, Irving, go awry.
Cathy's Last Resort
As Valentine's Day approaches, Cathy, ever the romantic, becomes passionately consumed with thoughts of hearts, flowers and candle-lit dinners.
Cathy's Valentine
Documentary and interviews with the cast of Petticoat Junction and stories of the show's production.
The History of Hooterville
Complications ensue when an overworked couple decides to hire a "wife" — someone who can run the household for them with complete autonomy...
The Couple Takes a Wife