The story of the film revolves around the epic of Sheikh Bouamama, a leader of the national resistance in Algeria during the French colonial era. The...
The Epic of Cheikh Bouamama
The story of a family in the instability and violence that shook Algeria during the riots of October 1988 in the midst of the rise of fundamentalism...
Autumn, October In Algiers
The Algerian War is seen through the eyes of a group of Algerian freedom-fighters who have been captured and incarcerated in French-run military...
The Way
Hassan Terro au Maquis
This excellent feature-length documentary - the story of the imperialist colonization of Africa - is a film about death. Its most shocking sequences...
Dawn of the Damned
The life of a Middle-East family of immigrants in Europe. The father carries the heavy burden of banishment. To rescue his culture, his traditions,...
Black Really Suits You
An Algerian peasant (fellah), crushed by the soldiers of the French colonial army, decides to resist. His young wife finds herself, despite herself,...
La Mission
This film deals with the aftermath of the Algerian war of liberation. Georges Montero, an Algerian-born Frenchman, manages an olive canning factory...
The Other Shore
Dino Fabrizzi is the number one seller of the Maserati dealership in Nice. At 42, he arrives at a turning point in his life, the position of director...
The Italian
In prison in colonial Algeria, shortly after the end of the Second World War, three indigenous cellmates make out. Once free, they attack the...
The Outlaws
The story of the post-independence nationalization of the mill of Monsieur Fabre, an old man attached to the land of Algeria where he was born. In...
The Mill of M. Fabre
A poor man rescues a rich man from burglars. as a way for thanking him The rich guy invite him and his family to come and live in his luxurious...
Gourbi Palace
Profumi d'Algeri
A revolutionary militant is killed during the repression of May 1945. His son, who is unaware of the real circumstances of the murder, ends up being...
Forbidden Zone
Historical film in four scenes which retrace the returns, the progress and the outcome of the war of liberation in Algeria. The first painting,...
The Night is Afraid of the Sun
Harvest of Steel
Amid a tense political climate, the opposition leader is killed in an apparent accident. When a prosecutor finds evidence of a cover-up, witnesses...
In 1988, Johnny Leclerc, the son of a Norman mother and an Alsatian father, lives in a suburban housing estate with his friends. He behaves like a...
Once Upon a Time in the Oued
Algerian journalist Sahafi is faced with a dilemma. If he returns to Algeria, he's almost certain to be assassinated. If he takes political asylum in...
Speakers of the Truth
Rabie is a kid from Sétif in 1980, trying to collect money to buy a wheelchair for his paralyzid sister Sassia, so she can get out of the...
Kahla wa Bayda
Jacqueline Gozlan - who left Algeria with her parents in 1961 - nostalgically retraces the history of the Algiers Cinematheque, inseparable from that...
My Story Is Not Yet Written