The heroic tale of young Mathayus and his relentless quest for justice against an evil and powerful villain, King Sargon. Mathayus faces...
The Scorpion King 2: Rise of a Warrior
Violet realizes that her entire life is built on fear-based decisions, and must do everything differently to become her true self.
In Italy, a woman becomes involved in a series of unauthorized exorcisms during her mission to discover what happened to her mother, who allegedly...
The Devil Inside
A defense attorney begins to suspect that her client, who is charged with the murders of a vacationing family, might be more than meets the eye.
Due to a near-fatal accident that has left her incapacitated and depleted of her long-term memory, a temporarily wheelchair-bound woman returns home...
Negative is set in the American southwest and follows Natalie, a former British spy who flees Los Angeles for Phoenix after a deal with a cartel goes...
The year is 1675. England is threatened by religious and political rivalries. King Charles II's Catholic brother, James, is next in line for the...
Lorna Doone
A young girl finds solace in her artist father and the ghost of her dead mother.