Drama about the rebellion of the Trencín Infantry Regiment against its superior officers in the Serbian city of Kragujevac, at the end of the...
The story of a young lawyer who finds herself in a difficult situation when she encounters troubles in her burgeoning career and complications in...
The Lawyer
Já jsem Stěna smrti
Poéma o svedomí
Pustý dvor
A funny outlaw tale inspired by traditional folk humour. Pacho is no ordinary outlaw. He detests injustice and feudal oppression and he copes with...
Pacho, the Brigand of Hybe
Social ballad. Three short stories – "Uzlík tepla", "Chlapec a pánboh" and "Rubári" – depict three different human...
Uzlíky nádeje
Klietka plná vtákov
Timon Aténsky
Víťazný pád
Blízke diaľavy
Prešporská kasáreň maľovaná
Minúta rozhodnutia
Ján Literát
Smrť sa volá Engelchen
Tri razy svitá ráno
Most na tú stranu
Vždy možno začať
This film is one of the most popular pictures of Slovak cinema and relates the story about the legendary folk hero and brigand Juro...
Začít znova
The drama of a man driven to crime by the mechanism of violence in an American prison. It is an indictment of American justice and the barbarically...
Smrť prichádza v daždi
A dramatic story from the setting of a youth de tention center. Youngster Jakub, out of delusory solidarity, gets convicted of theft and goes to...
The Sheriff Behind Bars
Zlý záber
A dramatic story about two friends - fisherman Richardus and municipal executioner Emil Targo takes place at the river Danube, in places that used to...
Majster kat
A film adaptation of the novelette of the same title written by Dominik Tatarka depicts the life of a young generation of artists that was formed in...
Miraculous Virgin
A film about the dramatic lives ofthe people of the village of Ráztoka during WW I. Women are left without husbands, families fall apart,...
Živý bič
Mladé letá
Volanie démonov
A comedy about five students who are un-justly suspected of trying to lose their virginity before their graduation. The five girls first try to...
A Pact with the Devil
A woman prisoner is harshly incarcerated and suddenly released.
Be Sure to Behave
"Using the same, three times repeating dialogue – dramatic conversation between man and woman – Jerzy Skolimowski from Poland, Slovak...
Dialogue 20-40-60
Niet inej cesty
Stopy na Sitne
Kráľ sa zabáva
Kufor plný zlata
V stolnom meste Kyjeve
Tri dominá
Lucrezia Borgia
A story of a man threatened by a fatal illness evaluating his life (the number 322 in the film title stands for the diagnosis of one kind of cancer)....
Leove noci
A tragic story of two young people who are in the precious moments of first emotional flare deeply disappointed by the shallow feelings of their...
Láska neláskavá
Rekviem za rytierov
Posledný pohárik
Koncert bez ruží
Zypa Cupak
Ako sa Štrbania s Važťanmi o bujaka Šándora pasovali
Portrét chlapca
Posledná fáza zatmenia
Tie malé výlety
Two repatriated soldiers search for stability and love when they return home after the First World War.
Field Lilies
Second Love
Poradila teta Beta
Nádej má farbu belasú
Sokoliarova dcéra
Tetované časom
Život na úteku
Do posledného dychu
Putování Jana Amose
Sudca vo vlastnej pasci
Dekanský termín
Návrat Jána Petru
While playing Indians two Czechoslovak pioneers are captured by the criminal who wants to cross the border illegally.
A Suspended Game
The son of a charcoal burner was once prophesied as a child to marry the daughter of a king. The king tries to prevent this by all means.
Plavčík a Vratko
If I Had a Girl
It is summer 1944. The war is far away from Slovak mountains for the time being. The head of forest management Borodác brings a new employee...
One Silver Piece
Traja svedkovia
Tango pre medveďa
Chlapec do náručia
Drahý strýčko
Exemplárny prípad
Hrdina západu
Člny proti prúdu
Deň slnovratu
Čierne ovce
Dravý prúd
Štyri strany sveta
V rannej hmle
Hviezdne dieťa
Profesor Raat
The second full-length film of director Dusan Rapos. It was based on Eleonora Gasparova's novel of the same title. The director tells a story about...
The Fountain for Suzanne
Kára plná bolesti