This is a short film that starts in the bedroom of an unsatisfied young married woman. She is fascinated by the story, she had in her school and she...
Jay Shivaray In 'Subhedar', one will experience the thrilling feat of a mighty warrior who sacrifices his life to build the victory pylon of Swarajya...
Shilpa, a student, loves Kartik, a doctor who is married. Everything starts to crumble when Kartik's wife becomes suspicious about his affair.
A Naxalite group takes up violent ways to revolt against the rigid system that oppresses the poor. They abduct a woman who later stands up against...
Brothers Ram and Shyam are mischievous and irresponsible. Hoping that their lives will change after the arrival of a woman, their father decides to...
Chal Love Kar
A twist of fate leads to Manya, a convict at large, being mistaken for a professor and working for a college in Sajjanpur. However, when his lover...
Manya Sajjana
Depicts the life and spiritual journey of Muktaai, the revered sister of the saint and poet Sant Dnyaneshwar, highlighting her profound impact on...
Sant Dnyaneshwaranchi Muktaai
Sameer's parents want him to get married, but he is awkward around girls and lacks the confidence to approach them. Sameer's childhood friend Babya,...
Sarva Line Vyasta Aahet
The movie is based on a newlywed couple's honeymoon and the psychological and physical union of a married couple.
Yanda Kartavya Aahe