Tells two tales set during WWII: A seemingly feckless and selfish man finally takes up arms in the national struggle against the Nazis. Set in a POW...
Małżeństwo z rozsądku ("Marriage of Convenience") is a Polish musical comedy from 1966 directed by Stanisław Bareja.
The Marriage of Convenience
The dark drama of a peasant family from the second half of the 19th century: Seduced by a municipal clerk (in exchange for a promise to release her...
Szkice węglem
Three separate short stories about young athletes who lose their chances of success. Young swimmer - because of unhappy love. Boxer because of a...
Trzy starty
Rumsza, the elderly railwayman, leading a sedate life with his wife, misses his only remaining son (two older boys were killed in the war). Joziuk...
Winter Twilight
The movie consists of two satirical novels based on the same idea: both the "gangsters" and "philanthropists" end up in the courtroom.
Gangsters and Philantropists
A young couple wants to break free of the antagonistic nature of their home village.
Nikodem Dyzma is a poor dancer who comes to Warsaw to find a job. The problem is that nobody wants to hire him. One day he finds an invitation to the...
Nikodem Dyzma
Anatol Kowalski is an old man who works in a bank and loves his old-fashioned hat. One day the hat gets lost and Anatol decides to buy a new one.
Kapelusz pana Anatola
PZU Inspector Anatol Kowalski is sent to the city of Paryżew on a special mission to catch a gang of bathing suit robbers.
Inspekcja pana Anatola
Przygoda z piosenką (Pol. Adventure with song) is a Polish film musical comedy from 1969 directed by Stanisław Bareja.
Adventure with a Song
Modest editor, has shipped his wife and kids for the weekend, and is trying to relax in his house at the outskirts of Warsaw. His quiet evening is...
Brunet Will Call
Tadeusz Krzakoski, the director of a failing state-owned company, is married with problems. His mistress, the daughter of a Communist party bigwig,...
What Will You Do When You Catch Me?
Based on a true story of Polish submarine "Orzel" (The Eagle): September 1939, "Orzel" is coming to Estonian neutral harbor in Tallin. Under pressure...
Stanisław Maria Rochowicz, a bumbling art historian, is falsely accused of stealing a painting. The alleged thief faces five years in prison....
Man - Woman Wanted