An ironic love letter to the British drama/documentary tradition.
Waiting For…
A small boy runs away from home for no apparent reason. The police find his body in London having died of exposure. Why did he leave home?
The Specialist
Intertwined story of the lives of two women; an Englishwoman suffering abuse from her violent husband, and a Russian poet serving hard labour because...
Small Zones
A man's life is turned upside down when he receives a mysterious photograph in the post.
A Photograph
Two provincial newspaper reporters - one a young idealist starting out on his career, the other an embittered man who previously wrote for a failed...
The Reporters
Cpl. George Hunn's sentry post is knocked over and he wakes to find he is suffering from frost bite of the face. Sent to hospital he is put on a ward...
The Brylcreem Boys