Blown Away tells the story of Jimmy Dove, who works for the Boston bomb squad. Shortly after Dove leaves the force, his partner is killed by a bomb...
Blown Away
Vincent LaMarca is a dedicated and well-respected New York City police detective who has gone to great lengths to distance himself from his past, but...
City by the Sea
Three runaway girls hijack a car.
In 1971, in the small town of Shirley Falls, in Maine, the odd and lonely secretary Isabelle Goodrow raises her teenager daughter Amy alone. She has...
Amy & Isabelle
Billionaire heir Richie Rich has it all, including Reggie Jackson as a batting coach and Claudia Schiffer as a personal trainer -- but no playmates....
Ri¢hie Ri¢h
A divorced doctor finds himself in real trouble living with his daughter alone now. But fortunately a guardian angel is watching over the lives of...
Dad, the Angel & Me
A married couple review their lives and renew their love for one another while driving to a friend's funeral.
Breathing Lessons
Niccolo "Mac" Vitelli is the eldest of three brothers in 1950s Queens. Mac is a construction builder, a trade he learned from his late father, and...
Admiral McKee is retired, when following the events of 9/11 he receives a call from the White House informing him that his commander in chief...
Homeland Security