Detective DiBiasse (Eric Roberts) goes to his last crime scene at the Mansion of a wealthy, paranoid recluse named Alan Schaeffer (Dylan Walsh). He...
Alter Ego
"Great Kills" is a dark comedy/mockumentary about a lonely small time hit man who is the subject of a documentary filmmakers. The show reveals a...
Fresh Kills
A coming-to-America love story about an Italian actor from Rome who finds himself stranded in New York City, and through a series of misadventures is...
American Fango
The Invisible Life of Thomas Lynch' is a dark comedy about a lonely small time hit man.
The Invisible Life of Thomas Lynch
An alpha New York City male is magically transformed into a beautiful girl, falls in love, and learns what it means to be a woman.
To save his family's printing firm, a lifelong slacker dives into the surreal world of business networking events and the oddballs who attend them.
The Networker
Wasted Talent
Actors and crew arrive at the actual Hinsdale House in upstate New York and prepare to shoot a horror movie over the next few weeks. The owner of the...
Hinsdale House
Race Against Time is one mans fight to save his sons life. When he is given a diagnosis for his son that is incurable he decides to go on a quest to...
Race Against Time
Michelle kills three of her friends in a horrific car accident while driving under the influence. After rehab, Michelle takes a job recommended by...
When a cash-strapped man learns his daughter has a brain tumor, he turns to his old Staten Island buddies to get back into their “family...
5th Borough
What goes through the mind of a serial killer as he meticulously plots his crimes, researching his victims and entrapping them while they are none...
Chronicle of a Serial Killer
Conan O'Brien celebrates ten years of "Late Night with Conan O'Brien" in this one-hour special. Many guest appearances and clip montages show us how...
Late Night with Conan O'Brien: 10th Anniversary Special