A British hypochondriac turns to crime after becoming addicted to consumerism. As his obsession worsens, his life falls quickly into the absurd and...
Pinching Penny
An Allied medic, rumored to be Jesus Christ, gets into a philosophical debate with a Catholic-Nazi in Ustasha occupied Croatia during WW2.
Son of Man
October 2008, as Congress contemplates a 700 billion dollar bailout for the banks, a Wall Street broker must quickly decide where to allocate his...
Closing Bell
A collection of five short films tackling the military industrial complex, the rise of fascism, political polarization and various issues in modern...
Money, Fascism, and Some Sort of Acid
A paleontologist gets a tip from an oil worker in the Badlands that may set her career back on track.
Valley of Bones
Three estranged foster brothers rediscover the ruins of their childhood kingdom 'Oxenfree'...and face down the monster living within.