The movie's plot is based on the true story of a group of young computer hackers from Hannover, Germany. In the late 1980s the orphaned Karl Koch...
Despite having lived in the East German countryside for several months, teenager Lars and his dad, Henrik, are still treated as unwelcome guests....
Kinder der Sonne
In East Berlin in the late 70s, two boys meet one evening in a disco: Thomas, who is from a working class family and is doing an apprenticeship, and...
Banal Days
Nina Hausen, head of an escort agency, is attacked by a stranger on her nocturnal walk with the dog in the forest. Only with difficulty can she...
Berlin, 1932. The Weimar Republic is torn apart in the struggle between right- and left-wing extremists and Berlin is a powder keg. Nightclub singer...
Nacht über Berlin
TV adaptation of Michael Thalheimer's production at the Deutsches Theater Berlin.
Emilia Galotti
The Rats
Near the end of WWII a lone U-Boat is sent from Germany to Japan carrying plutonium needed for a Japanese A-Bomb. During the long journey, news...
The Last U-Boat
East-Berlin, 1961, shortly after the erection of the Wall. Konrad, Sophie and three of their friends plan a daring escape to Western Germany. The...
The Promise
To save his deathly ill dog, the unemployed Rolf bets the little money that he has on a horse and hopes for the best. Sometimes even outsiders get a...
Of Dogs and Horses