In this experimental film conceived by Sylvie Guillem, the choreographers become dancers or photographers: William Forsythe dances a superb solo and...
"A Paris Opera Production filmed in studio with Sylvie Guillem, Charles Jude and Rudolf Nureyev as a movie producer. The ballet is set in Hollywood...
This film follows Sylvie Guillem in its frantic race around the globe and reveals the daily life of this extraordinary dancer.
BYE (AJÖ), a new dance film, is choreographed and directed by acclaimed Swedish choreographer Mats Ek. " About a woman (Sylvie Guillem) who...
This major work brings together two of today's pre-eminent dance talents, Akram Khan, world renowned for developing his own 'contemporary Kathak'...
Sacred Monsters
Sylvie Guillem - On The Edge
Special Interest, Ballet & Modern Dance, Dance, Classical Music, Classical Instrumental Music - The members of the legendary Paris Opera Ballet...
The Paris Opera Ballet: Seven Ballets
A woman, a man and smoke.